Pre-registration training
There are three essential trainings to register as a delegate.

1.Complete on-line training of WORC (The World of Red Cross and Red Crescent) and StaySafe Click here for registration

2. Complete five-day-ERU training and two-day-hospital ERU training

3. Complete three-day-training ” Training Course on the Staff Safety and Security for the International Assignment” organized by the JRCS HQs
After complete these trainings, you are registered on the roster as a delegate.
Click here for more details
Before the first deployment, each staff should complete On-line training below;
・Code of Conduct
・Corruption Prevention
・How can we keep our information safe?
・Introduction to Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse(PSEA)
・Child Protection at the IFRC
・Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance
Approximately, 300 staff are registered. When disaster happens, the HQs also ask sister societies to join.
* As to other humanitarian activities like reconstruction supports, development cooperations, or medical support in conflict zones, you have to complete another 6-day-training, named “IMPACT (International Mobilization and Preparation for Action)“.
Other trainings/ workshops
Domestic:Trauma surgery in emergency, Tropical medicine, Community health, PSS, Health Logistics, PCM, administration, HELP (Health Emergencies in Large Population), etc.
Abroad:War surgery seminar, CBHFA, Team Leader training, PSS, logistics, Medical logistics, CAP (Coordination, Assessment and Planning), etc.